Floarea de mac - simbolul sacrificiului soldatilor
De vreo saptamana am tot vazut pe strada persoane care purtau in piept o brosa cu un mac. Da, deopotriva barbati si femei, si aproximativ cam aceeasi brosa. Evident ca m-am intrebat ce semnifica. Astfel, am aflat ca macul rosu simbolizeaza si comemoreaza in acelasi timp victimele din razboi. Povestea este asa: In secolul al XIX-lea, cand in timpul razboaielor napoleoniene, pe terenul unde au fost amplsati soldatii morti au crescut multi maci de culoare rosie. Cativa ani mai tarziu, in 1914, in nordul Frantei si in Flandra, dupa Primul Razboi Mondial, medicul militar canadian John McCrae a observat si a descris poetic macii rosii (pe care o gasiti aici ). Poemul lui, "In Flanders Fields", este bine cunoscut si in zilele noastre. In mod special, macii au fost alesi pentru a portretiza sacrificiul nepretuit al colegilor sai morti. De atunci, macul a devenit un simbol al celor care au murit in Primul Razboi Mondial si in razboaiele ulterioare. Macii din plastic folositi pentr...
The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the wheat
field and choose the biggest wheat and come back.
But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back
to pick another."
The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big wheat,
but he wonders....may be there is a bigger one later.
Then he saw another bigger one... but may be there is an even bigger
waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he starts to
realise that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he
he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.
So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand. The teacher
told him, "...this is love... you keep looking for better ones, but
later you realise, you have already missed the person"