Centrul Cultural Francez si PATRIR
In colaborare cu CASA TRANZIT
Va Invita Joi, 5 Februarie 2009, ora 18.30
Cafe Tranzit Str. Gh Baritiu Nr. 16 la etaj


Film in ENG cu subtitrare in ROM

The story places two close friends, Palestinians Said and Khaled, recruited by an extremist group to perpetrate a terrorist attack in Tel-Aviv. However, things go wrong and both friends must separate in the border. Suha, the well-educated and well-traveled daughter of a martyr, challenges the action. She likes Said and has her own ideas. "Under the occupation, we're already dead," is Khaled's analysis. Fate and God's will seem to drive Said. We must be moral, argues Suha. Can minds change?

CINEMIXX is a project done in collaboration between the French Cultural Center , PATRIR and Casa Tranzit. Every 2 weeks @Casa Tranzit we show movies thematically distributed between: - SIX BILLION STORIES (movies about different cultures and done by directors around the world), - UTOPIA EXPLAINED (movies that make you think and discuss our daily lives, our daily utopias, themes that should interest and invite to take a stand) and CINEFIL (classical movies)


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