PATRIR Events this Week

Dear Team -- Please share this with all interns, volunteers and friends of PATRIR not on lista or activist so they receive it as well,

Lots of fantastic and exciting events this week!

On Wednesday - 16:00: Presenation of the Global Summit on Ministries and Departments of Peace. Corina's feed-back and sharing with us from her experience in Costa Rica. Will also include: discussions of the upcoming events in Brussels on Europe vote for Peace! and PATRIR campaigns and involvement for ministries and departments of peace and civil peace services in Romania, Europe and internationally.

On Thursday - 14:00: Made in Cluj - A la Cluj Design Session! Come be part of designing one of the most exciting initiatives since PATRIR began, and the largest social collaboration initiative that's ever taken place in Cluj-Kolozsvar-Klausenburg. This is a program which will have a major and exciting impact on the city - and you can be part of it!

On Friday - 10:00: Report from the Burmese Border -- Come here about Andra's experiences as part of an international team meeting with Burmese communities and civil society organisations working for democracy, human rights, and peaceful transition in Burma. PATRIR's been involved with work on and in Burma for a number of years. Andra will share with us her experiences and we'll discuss together what can PATRIR do to help contribute to supporting the democratic movement and peaceful transition in Burma.

These are just a few of the exciting events happening at PATRIR this week. Come take part, and help be the change you want to see!

Kai Brand-Jacobsen


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