PATRIR - Events

PATRIR has the pleasure to announce a two day training programme - Effective Action for Positive Change - Conflict Transformation, Civic Engagement and Community Development that is going to take place in Cluj Napoca, on the 26 - 27th of September 2010.

The Trainer: Kai Brand-Jacobsen is widely recognized internationally as one of the world’s leading experts, practitioners and trainers in peacebuilding, conflict transformation and community development. Please see his full bio in the programme outline attached to this email.

Content: The two-day training will provide participants with practical skills, tools and knowledge on conflict transformation, peacebuilding, civic engagement and community development which they can directly use in their work. The programme will also provide extensive practical examples and applied methodologies. On the second day, participants will engage with national and international best practice methodologies to design, plan and prepare effective action for positive change.

Target audience: The programme has been created for practitioners, government officials, experts, journalists, and those interested in and working to promote positive change addressing key issues and challenges in Romania at the community and national levels. Drawing upon local, national and international examples, the programme will also be of interest for those working or planning to work outside Romania in international development cooperation, peacebuilding and related fields.

Fee: the participation fee is 120 lei for professionals and 60 lei for students and partner organizations. The fee is payable upon arrival at the training venue.

Attached to this email there is a full outline of the programme as well as the agenda. Please disseminate this as broadly as possible.

For more information or to apply (CV + letter of intent), contact The deadline is Friday, the 24th of September 2010.

Also, the information can be found on


And the PATRIR official website:

Have a wonderful day!



Alina Gheorghiu
Department of Peace Operations
PATRIR - Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
Tel: +40 741 401 756
Fax: +40 264 420 298


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