Crimeea Policy Dialogue Team

Dear all,
Crimeea Policy Dialogue Team is looking for an intern for a Research

The research is about understanding how EU member states have worked to
prevent violent responses from the public and social unrest when doing
reforms which people do not like e.g. pension reforms, tax reforms, social
security reforms.
We are looking for information about best practices on how to deescalate
tensions when such reforms are implemented. Mainly this would be about
effective communication and dialogue tools used by the state. It might be
things like town hall meetings with politicians, public consultations etc,
but I dont know this topic well, so Im guessing.

Our project participants are also guessing that there may be some
documents from the EU (EC), member states or think tanks recommending
strategies around the recent unrest in Greece and Romania, and in earlier
periods, Poland (in the time of Balcerowicz).

The period for the internship should start on the 17th of February 2011
until 1st of March 2011.

Those interested please send e-mail to

Crimeea Policy Dialogue Team


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