Dear UN, please tell us what you know about Sri Lanka?

Dear Activist,
Do you remember our recent online petition on Sri Lanka?

We were requesting your signature on our petition demanding an independent UN investigation into alleged war crimes and other abuses committed there during the civil war.

The good news is that over 52,000 people signed it and in February we took your signatures to the UN in New York to demand an investigation. Making the journey with us was Dr. Kasipillai Manoharan, whose son was killed by the Sri Lankan security forces in 2006.

Before handing over the signatures to the UN Dr. Manoharan said, "I want to file the case in front of the international community. I want a good judgement. It should be a lesson for Sri Lankan forces and others." You can watch a video of his journey to the UN here.

Meanwhile, due to intense international pressure the UN did set up a 'Panel of Experts' to advise UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon about accountability issues in Sri Lanka. The panel's report is now scheduled to be submitted on 13 April.

From L to R: Jim McDonald and Yolanda Foster from Amnesty International along with Dr. Kasipillai Manoharan delivering the petition with signatures to a UN representative. Over 52,000 people from around the world are demanding an independent investigation into alleged war crimes and other abuses committed in Sri Lanka during the civil war.

Amnesty International has called repeatedly for the UN to tell the world what it knows about those final days of the conflict. Thousands of people like Dr.Manoharan are seeking justice and want to know what the UN knows.

Amnesty International has been appalled at the failure of the UN to respond to allegations of large-scale war crimes and other violations committed by both the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan government forces. The government cracked down on independent monitoring and reporting and Amnesty International was not allowed to enter Sri Lanka.

Call on the UN to make it's expert panel report public.


In solidarity,
Online Communities team
Alaphia, Buddha, El-Mutamid, Franziska and Shehzaad

Find us on Twitter and Facebook at the Activism Centre.

Amnesty International

International Secretariat

1 Easton Street
London, WC1X 0DW
United Kingdom


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