Send a butterfly of hope to women and girls in Nicaragua!

We are girls and we have rights, and so long as they do not respect these rights, we will continue to fight to demand them,” Clara, youth rights promoter aged 18

Dear Activist,

Since 2008 abortion in all circumstances has been criminalised in Nicaragua. The total abortion ban causes great suffering for women and girls, particularly those who have become pregnant as a result of rape, those who need treatment for life-threatening illnesses, and those facing complications in their pregnancy.

Young women and girls are at greatest risk of rape and sexual abuse in Nicaragua. Official statistics show that over two thirds of victims are under 17. In this context, the complete abortion ban has left young women in Nicaragua especially vulnerable.

On 28 September, the Day for Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean, women and girls in Nicaragua will take to the streets to demand the repeal of the total abortion ban and an end to violence against women and girls.
Rosmery, a young survivor of sexual violence at age 12, draws her hopes and dreams for the future. © Amnesty International.

“The butterfly for us is a symbol of the desire to realize our dreams, spread our wings…fighting with strength for our rights”, says Martha Munguía, Executive Coordinator of the Nicaraguan Alliance of Women’s Centres.
Create your own butterfly and stand alongside Nicaraguan girls and women and during their demonstrations. The butterflies you make will be collected and sent to Nicaraguan NGOs that work to defend and protect the rights of women and girls. The butterflies will be used in the demonstrations and displayed in women’s centres that assist survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Show your solidarity with Nicaraguan women and girls now!

In solidarity,

Alaphia, Buddha, Franziska, El-Mutamid and Shehzaad

Online Communities Team

P.S. Do you have friends who also care about human rights? Why not forward this email to them and invite them to also become a part of Amnesty International and join the campaign?

Find us on Twitter and Facebook at the Activism Centre.

Amnesty International
International Secretariat

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London, WC1X 0DW
United Kingdom


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